Find More Free Time With This Dungeons & Dragons Mechanic

Life is busy. Free time comes in few-and-far-between spurts. I stole a trick from D&D to optimize my free time. It's worked well and I'd like to share it.
Life is busy. Free time comes in few-and-far-between spurts. I stole a trick from D&D to optimize my free time. It's worked well and I'd like to share it.
"Is he right?" That's the question I'm gonna ask at the end of this little-not-little thought experiment. Given context, how heavy can 5 minutes actually be?
There's a right way to use ellipses. Of much less import, there's a right way to type them! Here are the Windows and macOS ellipsis keyboard shortcuts.
Jet laggy time shifts aside, I love losing an hour to daylight savings. It's the only time I have a concrete answer to the question, "Where did the time go?"